What is an ELD?
ELD stands for Electronic Logging Device. An ELD is used to keep track of all Driver and trip data. The data relates to the operators’ hours of service (HOS) and is used to make sure drivers stay compliant with HOS laws. Originally drivers simply kept a written log for all their HOS and trip information. However, when dealing with written records, mistakes and errors can be made while an electronic option limits the number of mishaps by removing human error from the equation.
How do I stay in compliance?
As of February 16th, 2016, all Drivers and operators who were first using paper logbooks are now required to use ELDs. If you or your company doesn’t fall under any of the exemptions (discussed in the next paragraph) you legally must comply by purchasing and installing ELDs in all of your commercial vehicles. There are a plethora of companies that provide ELDs so be sure you do your research and find the devices that work best for your budget and your needs.
Exemptions to the ELD mandate
Not Every driver or operator will have to have an ELD. There are a few exemptions to this law that I am going to list below:
Vehicles that were manufactured before 2000
Drivers that are only operating within a 100-Air-Mile radius
Freight drivers without their CDL operating within a 150-Air-Mile radius
Drive-away/ Tow-away operators
It is incredibly important that you stay in compliance with the ELD mandate. If you are caught driving while out of compliance your company will receive a massive violation and even worse, the driver could ultimately be kicked out of service. If you are a driver or even a company owner, it is in your best interest to stay in compliance.